
Keith Roget Memorial National Parks

award certificate
award certificate

The aim is to encourage and recognise portable operation in Victoria's 45 National Parks, and the logging of contacts with those in the parks. The rules are available below include how to qualify for certificates, and the ultimate recognition of 'all parks plaques' that are issued.

A driving force behind this award which dates back to the 1970s is the late Keith Roget VK3YQ (sk), himself a portable operator, and notable figure in WIA Victoria and the federal arena. His widow, Jean agreed in the 1980s that it was fitting to rename the award in his memory.

Parks Victoria has assisted with this award and supports the Amateur Radio activity it brings to its parks. At all times please follow the guidelines and instructions of its staff.


The aim of the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award has always been to encourage portable operation in Victoria's National Parks

The Award started around 1970 as the Victorian National Parks Award. The driving force behind it was Keith Vidmore Roget VK3YQ (SK), on the WIA Victorian Division Council after serving in the RAAF during World War II.

Wanting to keep the ideals of the Award, his widow Jean agreed in the mid-1980s that it was fitting it be renamed in his memory as the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award.

Discussions were held with Parks Victoria which notified its regions and rangers that they may expect to see amateur radio activity in National Parks.

Roger Baker VK3BKR was made its custodian. The Award was further revamped in September 2008, covering Victoria's 40 National Parks with the manager being Chris Brennan VK3QB. Thank you to both for their efforts.

In 2009 Tony Hambling VK3VTH showed plenty of interest in portable operations using his station, and soon took on the position of Award Manager. One of his first major tasks was to promote the award.

It proved to be a huge success for the Centenary Year of 2011, and an activation weekend has been held in November each year ever since. In April 2014 saw the introduction recognition plaques those who work to, and from, 'all parks'.


Valid contacts
  1. To qualify for a basic award or special endorsements contact with and/or from a specified number of the 45 National Parks in Victoria. A contact with/from a National Park earns 1 point
  2. SWL: Earn one point for logging both ends of a valid contact between two radio amateurs with at least one being in a National Park
  3. Contacts via Repeaters, IRLP or Echolink are not permitted
  4. Merit Plaques are available for working to, or from, all National Parks. A Grand Slam Plaque is available for working from and to all National Parks

The basic award will be issued where the following criteria are satisfied:

VK3 station achieves 15 points. Other VK (ie. Non VK3) 10 points. DX station 5 points

Special Endorsements for:

There is an opportunity to chase a particular interest and seek endorsement. Eg. 160m, QRP or mode. Discuss with the Award Manager before attempting.

Merit Plaques

These are available to recognise those who have achieved the following:

Historic Map of National Parks

National Parks historical map

Submission for award

A log extract or copy of the log showing all claimed contacts including

Log sheets - 104KB PDF


Send your logs to:

At the Awards Manager discretion cross-checking and other validity checks will be carried out on award submissions.


Parks Victoria has detailed information on each National Park. Research each park before visiting to assess local conditions and related activities. National Parks list.

Please observe all rules and guidelines as published by Parks Victoria and respect the rights of other parks users.


Individuals or groups will activate National Parks in Victoria and are encouraged to seek advance publicity through the Amateur Radio Victoria website and the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award group

Parks magazine article "CQ VK3 National Parks" - September 1987 - 421KB PDF

Thanks to Warren Brown VK3BYD who provided the historic articles.

KRMNP award purchases

Victorian Local Government

award certificate

This operating award has been initiated by Amateur Radio Victoria to encourage on air activity based on communicating with and between the 79 local government areas in the State of Victoria, Australia.


The start of local government in Victoria in 1841 occurred while it was one of the six British colonies, well in advance of the proclamation of the Federation of Australia as a Commonwealth in 1901. In the 1850s and 1860s, encouraged by generous subsidies, local government entities were established to provide local services, achieve community representation and to levy rates.

The 1980s saw strong concerns about the inefficiency of 210 local government areas, a new reform-driven state government, and an economic downturn, amalgamations of groups of them occurred resulting in a reduction to 79 today.

Rules and Requirements

Valid contacts

To qualify for the award the following contacts are required

Log sheets 9KB PDF


An endorsement is available for those who achieve all 79 municipalities. Requests for mode, QSP or other endorsements should be referred to the Awards Manager.

Submission for award

A log extract or copy of the log showing all claimed contacts

The cost of the award is $5.

Send your logs to:

At the Awards Manager discretion cross-checking and other validity checks will be carried out on award submissions.

VLGA award purchases
VK3PF holding his award
VK3ZPF holding his award
Presentation of awards

Become a member

$40 Full, $30 Concession

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