Prohibited Weapon Exemption – Antenna Launcher

Amateur Radio Victoria has been in consultation with the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety regarding a review to upgrade/renew the long standing rules in relation to the "Prohibited Weapon Exemption-Antenna Launcher".

The Department has advised that our positive discussions have now been accepted and Gazetted as Law (from April 18 2023). Please review the attached Victorian Government Gazette entry.

It is important to note that the Rules pertaining to Antenna Launchers are only applicable in the State of Victoria.

The revised exemption exempts an amateur radio operator from offences against the Control of Weapons Act 1990 in respect of the following activities for the purpose of erecting radio equipment, including launching a cable, line or antenna.

  • Bring an antenna launcher into Victoria
  • Cause an antenna launcher to be brought into or sent into Victoria
  • Purchase an antenna launcher
  • Possess, use or carry an antenna launcher
  • Possess, use or carry an antenna launcher in licensed premises or in a public place that is in the immediate vicinity of licensed premises

The exemption exempts a person assisting an amateur radio operator to erect radio equipment including launching a cable, line or antenna

  • Possess, use or carry an antenna launcher
  • Possess, use or carry an antenna launcher in licensed premises or in a public place that is in the immediate vicinity of licensed premises

Storage Requirements

It is a condition of this exemption that when an antenna launcher is not in use for the purpose listed in Column 4, an amateur radio operator must ensure that the antenna launcher is:

  1. carried and securely stored in a manner calculated to ensure that the prohibited weapon is not readily accessible to a person without an exemption under section 8B or an approval under section 8C of the Control of Weapons Act 1990 and
  2. concealed from plain sight

The conditions are enforceable by offences established under section 8E of the Control of Weapons Act 1990. Relevantly, a person must not intentionally or recklessly breach a condition to which an exemption under section 8B or an approval under section 8C that applies to the person is subject. This offence is punishable by a maximum penalty of 20 penalty units, which is about $3,700 in the 2022-23 financial year.

The Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria actively encourages all individuals using a prohibited weapon to take reasonable precautions to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them. When using an antenna launcher to take reasonable safety precautions, including using a high impact face shield or eye protection complying with AS/NZS 1337.1:2010 Personal Eye Protection.

The Licensing and Regulation Division of Victoria Police provides guidance on the regulation of weapons in Victoria

Amateur Radio Operator Prohibited Weapon Exemption - Victoria Government Gazette 400KB PDF


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