
The study of radio regulations is essential for all grades. The Radio Communications Licence Conditions Determination (LCD) is the formal document that provides the conditions and rules for all aspects of amateur radio activity.

At the Foundation level questions on regulations are included in the 30 minute theory examination.

For Standard and Advanced levels a separate 30 minute examination is required.

If a Foundation level qualified person is upgrading to Standard or Advanced, they will be required to sit for the 30 minute Regulation examination.

A pass grade in Regulations is a minimum of 21 correct answers from 30 multi-choice questions.

If a Standard level qualified person is upgrading to Advanced, there is no requirement to sit the Regulations examination again.

Emergency procedures
  1. Distress signal, distress call, distress message
  2. Urgency signal, urgency call, urgency message
  3. Situations where distress and urgent traffic may be encountered
  4. Priorities of distress and urgency traffic
  5. Obligations and responses required of an amateur station to distress and urgent traffic
Frequency allocations
  1. Allocated frequency bands for all three grades of licence
  2. Restrictions on use of band segments - namely 50-52 MHz
  3. Status of a secondary service
  4. Definitions of MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF
  5. Permitted bandwidths - namely in relation to FM
Power limitations
  1. Power limits by licence class
  1. Signal bandwidth. Knowing the bandwidth of a signal rather than its 5 to 7 character emission designator. Recall for example - 6M25 means 6.25 MHz
  2. Awareness of the meanings of CW, AM, SSB, FM, ATV, Data and RTTY
  3. Status of a secondary service
  4. Definitions of MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF
  5. Permitted modes for each class of licence and each frequency band
  1. Definition of interference
  2. Responsibility to keep all signals within the amateur bands
  3. Responsibility to avoid interference to other services and other amateurs
  4. Operating procedures to avoid interference
  5. The rights and responsibilities of amateurs in shared bands
  6. Operational restrictions imposed to avoid interference
  7. Standard procedures for resolution of interference problems
  8. ACMA role in dispute settlement

Identification of a callsign

  1. Prefix
  2. Number following prefix as an indication of location
  3. Suffix as an indication of licence class
  4. Special event prefixes AX and VI and their application

Procedure for use of callsigns when at an alternative location or when mobile. Telegraphy and telephony procedures for:

  1. a general call
  2. a specific station: and;
  3. responding to a call

Procedure for re-transmitting another station's signal

  1. Requirements for gaining an amateur licence by grade of licence
  2. Definition of third party traffic
  3. Restrictions on use of an soliciting of third party traffic
  4. Requirement to notify change of address to ACMA
  5. Overseas station operation in Australia - reciprocal licensing
  6. Display of station licence
Control of station
  1. Requirement for station to be under control of licensee
  2. Types of traffic not permitted on amateur bands
  3. Identification of station transmissions
  4. Procedure for identification of station
  5. Period of mobile/portable operation permitted without special permission
  6. Special requirements for operation of club stations
  7. Requirements for connection of amateur stations to telephone network
  8. Requirements for operation of unattended stations
  9. Need for repeater stations to be identified
  1. The international phonetic alphabet
  2. The reasons for using phonetics
  3. Application of the phonetic alphabet
Operating signals
  1. International usage of the Q code
  2. Application of a range of common Q codes

Testing procedures and identification of test transmissions

Candidates attempting written assessments are advised to adopt techniques which can mean the difference between a pass and a fail.

There are four steps in attempting a written multi-choice examination.

  1. It may seem simple to say 'read the question carefully', but sometimes this is overlooked in undue haste. What knowledge is the assessor testing with the question. Some questions include 'not' or 'only' in them. Candidates who rush and carelessly read the questions can miss these key words or otherwise fail to comprehend the question.
  2. Careful read each of the four alternative answers
  3. You should not dwell too long on an individual question. If you are unsure move on to the next question. After answering all the questions you can then go back and consider the remaining unanswered questions. Before the assessment time expires, make sure you answer all questions even if some are a good guess.
  4. Having chosen an answer, don't change it unless you are absolutely sure a mistake has been made. Candidates have failed by losing confidence and picking another but incorrect answer.

Online tutorial

Amateur Radio Victoria offers an on-line tutorial when there is sufficient demand.

Online assessments

Amateur Radio Victoria offers on line assessments for all levels of amateur radio qualifications, contact Peter Cossins VK3BFG

Amateur Radio Victoria

Remote Examination Process

ACMA Recognition Certificate

Australian Communicatons and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for managing all the radio spectrum in Australia and also the administration of Amateur Radio assessments.

Your first action is to send an email to your selected Assessor with the following information.

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Clearly indicate which assessments are required.

If you are already have a Foundation level then you will not need to repeat the practical.

  • Foundation or
  • Standard Theory or
  • Standard Theory and Regulations or
  • Standard Theory, Regulations and Practical or
  • Advanced Theory or
  • Advanced Theory and Regulations or
  • Advanced Theory, Regulations and Practical

The remote examination process necessitates two video sources with Internet access. For instance, you can utilise a single PC equipped with its camera alongside a laptop or mobile phone, the latter providing a clear view of the work area.

Remote assessment set up

Remote assessment

The communication is conducted using Zoom. You'll receive a link via email, and all you need to do is click on it at the scheduled time. There's no requirement for Zoom to be installed on your PC.

A second link will be sent to connect you to view the examination paper on the PC facing you. It's essential to ensure your workspace is visible at all times.

At the end of the allocated time, close the examination paper link. Then, scan or take a photo of the answer sheet and promptly send it to me via email.

We will then undertake the practical by Q and A and simulations if that component has not been undertaken previously.

Your Driver's License or Passport will also need to be viewed for formal identification purposes. If you have already achieved a Recognition Level and you are upgrading, then you will not need apply for a callsign unless you wish a change.

After the assessment the assessor will mark your paper, advise you of the result and upload it to the ACMA.

Before being able to operate, the candidate has to apply to the ACMA and receive:

  1. an ACMA recognition certificate
  2. a valid callsign

Visit Qualifications to operate amateur radio

ACMA Fees and Charges: to 30 June 2024

  • ACMA recognition certificate application: $45.20
  • Call sign applications:
    • Next-available call sign: $30.15
    • Preferential call signs:
      • 2-letter call sign with the prefix VK1, VK5, VK6, VK7 or VK8 $41.45
      • 2-letter call sign with the prefix VK2, VK3, VK4 $52.75
      • 3-letter call sign with the prefix VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, VK6, VK7 or VK8 $41.45
    • Special event, contest or VK0 or VK9 call sign $52.75
    • Replacement call sign: no charge
    • Recognition of prior learning assessment application $188.35

Peter Cossins VK3BFG

ACMA Specialist Assessor

Amateur Radio Victoria

Face to face assessments

Assessments can also be undertaken in the Amateur Radio Victoria rooms in Ashburton.

These options will be dependent on government regulations for a safe environment.

Callsign allocation

After successfully acheiving a pass grade you can apply to the ACMA for a callsign.

View the publically available callsigns before making a decision.

All callsigns allocated in Victoria have a VK3 prefix. Eg VK3XYZ.

Any operator with a callsign may keep it when upgrading. The letter R is reserved for Repeaters. eg VK3RML.

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$40 Full, $30 Concession

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