Homebrew Construction Group

Homebrew battery charger

The Homebrew Construction Group of Amateur Radio Victoria is dedicated to fostering camaraderie and facilitating the exchange of ideas among amateur radio enthusiasts who take pride in constructing their own equipment.

Homebrewing epitomizes the essence of our hobby, embracing a wide array of pursuits. Even those who may not identify as dedicated homebrewers will discover intriguing avenues of interest within our group.

Meetings are held at 40G Victory Blvd, on the first Saturday of each month (excluding January), at 2.00pm. The group offers offer a Zoom connection for those who may have difficulty attending in person. To receive a Zoom invitation contact Rob vk3mq@amateurradioamateurradio.com.auau

Meetings typically unfold in a relaxed, informal atmosphere, often kicking off with an engaging "Show and Tell" session, where members showcase and discuss their latest projects. This interactive exchange fuels a rich flow of ideas, benefitting both newcomers and seasoned builders. Following this, whenever feasible, we feature a guest speaker to further enrich our collective knowledge and inspire exploration.

Upcoming meetings

  • September 7th
  • October 5th
  • November 2nd
  • December 7th

Become a member

$40 Full, $30 Concession

Join today