13th Annual Keith Roget Memorial National Park Award

The 13th Annual Keith Roget Memorial National Park Award (KRMNPA) activation weekend will take place on November 11 & 12 2023.

This annual event, which commenced in 2011, is designed to promote Portable operation in VK3 National Parks and offer a concentrated activation period for Hunters and Activators alike to increase their contacts of VK3 National Parks for KRMNPAward.

Amateur Radio Victoria station, VK3WI, will commence activities on Saturday morning from Burrowa-Pine Mountain National Park, which is one of the 45 VK3 National Parks and is eligible for Award contacts.

Full details of the Award (including the interesting history) can be found at the Awards page

Registrations for the weekend, which will assist hunters and activators alike, are now being taken via the KRMNPA group which can be found here: https://groups.io/g/krmnpa

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